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  • New Emergency Team Notification System
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  • Consultation Requests
  • Scheduling
  • Create Your Own Specialized Teams
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Communicate with your nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant from the comfort of your home. In the event you are unable to leave your house for an appointment due to a serious injury or illness, or don’t feel it’s necessary to commute long distances for a quick check-in, you now have the ability to video chat and consult with your medical team or patients with Medical PDQ.


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When seconds matter, alert your medical team easily with Medical PDQ. Doctors can view who on their team is readily available to help with an emergency or a patient can contact their physician immediately with an emergency chat from their home. Medical PDQ helps doctors and patients act quickly in order to keep everyone safe and healthy.


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Medical PDQ is designed for streamlined communication to keep patients safe and healthy from the convenience of their home. Organize your team easily and stay alert for emergencies with a touch of a button. Download Medical PDQ by Agile Surgical Assistants LLC today.

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Discover a better way to interact with Medical PDQ, a mobile communication application, to efficiently connect with your team of healthcare professionals. Whether you are a patient, doctor, or medical personnel, Medical PDQ is designed to help keep everyone connected from the privacy of their home.

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All in all, Medical PDQ is an indispensable app that performs a crucial function. Effective communication with the help of this app can lead to better coordination among healthcare professionals and eventually ensure better care for the patients.


Medical PDQ is a groundbreaking application that is especially relevant to these new and challenging times. By bringing together medical professionals and patients, communication and scheduling will become more cohesive and less confusing.


Agile Surgical Assistants ultimately aims to promote cost-effectiveness without compromising the quality of care, service, or safety of the patient. It is the primary goal of public health care policies to ensure the same, and apps like Medical PDQ helps in achieving them.


The medical world is buzzing with excitement over this revolutionary application that is a beacon of hope during these unprecedented times. Through connecting medical professionals and patients, Medical PDQ makes communication and scheduling more efficient and transparent.

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Emergency Response





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